maybe you have dated a fair share of women before and you have always known how it starts and ends, but there is this one that can't get off your mind, even when you sleep, you still figure out his or her smile in your mind, here are ten sure ways i have drafted for you to know if you are in love.
It used to be that the future with a woman meant your date on Saturday night, but, with this woman, the future seems infinite. Not only do you plan to see her this weekend, but you want to see her a year from now as well.
You used to train religiously, but lately, if she's free for dinner, you don't mind missing a workout. Not only that, but your workaholic tendency of bringing home your work on weekends to get ahead seems a bit excessive to you as of late.
Your ever-important "to-do" list seems quite stagnant these days, as being with her always manages to render your other plans and obligations obsolete. What was it that yo
This one is pretty obvious but important nonetheless. You look forward to seeing her, and don't care much about what the two of you will be doing. Lately, just going for a walk with her sounds like the best way you could possibly spend an evening.
You can't be in love with someone that you have no chemistry with. If you and her seem to always be on the same wavelength, and think in similar ways, that's a great sign. If you also generate enough heat to set off a five-alarm fire bell, then she is probably someone that you could fall in love with, if you aren't there already.
There is a reason why you don't really want to know too much about the chick you had a one-night stand with: you don't love her. When you're in love with a woman, you want to know all about her: who she is, what she thinks, what makes her laugh. You truly care about her and her feelings.
More often than not, a breakup is followed by a significant amount of time spent thinking about her and wondering whether or not you guys made the right decision in going your seperate ways. Depending on how long the two of you were together, these doubts can resurface again and again.
Number 1
You start thinking about the future and she's in itIt used to be that the future with a woman meant your date on Saturday night, but, with this woman, the future seems infinite. Not only do you plan to see her this weekend, but you want to see her a year from now as well.
When planning your next vacation, you know you want to spend it with her, and not a random beach bunny you happen to meet while you're there. And when you get an invitation to a wedding in three months from now, you ask her to be your date, without thinking that it's too far away to tell if you'll still be together.
she's the one
If you are currently dating a woman that makes you act in any of the ways mentioned above, then you, my friend, are seriously falling for her. It's time to put away the little black book for a while and enjoy the ride.Number 2
Other priorities take a backseatYou used to train religiously, but lately, if she's free for dinner, you don't mind missing a workout. Not only that, but your workaholic tendency of bringing home your work on weekends to get ahead seems a bit excessive to you as of late.
Number 3
You don't mind compromising sometimesNumber 4
You love spending time with herThis one is pretty obvious but important nonetheless. You look forward to seeing her, and don't care much about what the two of you will be doing. Lately, just going for a walk with her sounds like the best way you could possibly spend an evening.
Furthermore, when you're not together, you miss her and wish you were.
Number 5
You don't notice other women as much!Number 6
You have great chemistryYou can't be in love with someone that you have no chemistry with. If you and her seem to always be on the same wavelength, and think in similar ways, that's a great sign. If you also generate enough heat to set off a five-alarm fire bell, then she is probably someone that you could fall in love with, if you aren't there already.
Did you see that gorgeous blonde that just walked by? What do you mean, "no"?!?...
Number 7
You like her quirks !Number 8
You care about herThere is a reason why you don't really want to know too much about the chick you had a one-night stand with: you don't love her. When you're in love with a woman, you want to know all about her: who she is, what she thinks, what makes her laugh. You truly care about her and her feelings.
If you truly love a woman, you feel bad if she had a bad day or is upset about something. You don't try to chee
Number 9
You can't stop thinking about her she is always up in your mind because you have to , but because you can't help it.
Number 10
You've forgotten your exMore often than not, a breakup is followed by a significant amount of time spent thinking about her and wondering whether or not you guys made the right decision in going your seperate ways. Depending on how long the two of you were together, these doubts can resurface again and again.
Ever since you met her , however, the thought of getting back together with your ex is the furthest thing from your mind. Come to think of it, you barely recall what you found so great about your ex in the first place.